This guide will walk you through the steps to add your users, locations and resources to the Energy Coordination API.
Postman Authentication
If you are using the Postman Collection, you can set up the authentication by following these steps:
Go to the Variables tab in the Collection
Set the client_id and client_secret variables to your client ID and secret
Click the Get New Access Token button under the Authorization tab of the collection.
1. Register a User
The User object represents a user or a customer of your service.
You can create users via POST /users, the response is a userId that you can use to refer to the user in subsequent requests.
2. Register a Location
We require that you provide either meterPointIds or coordinates for the Location.
At least one meterpoint id is required to enable compensation for the user.
You can register locations via POST /users/:userId/locations:
3. (Sandbox only) Register a Location in the testing area
We have created designated testing areas in sandbox.
Registering Locations in these areas using the coordinates listed below will ensure that users become eligible and price curve events are sent everyday to associated resources.
Area 1 (Svalbard)
Centerpoint coordinates
Polygon (PostGIS syntax)
Area 2 (Longyearbyen, Svalbard)
Example address: Vei 221.1 Longyearbyen 9171, Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Centerpoint coordinates
Polygon (PostGIS syntax)
Move Locations
You can update a Location’s coordinates at any point to move it in our out of the testing area.
Example using PATCH /users/{userId}/locations/{locationId}:
4. Register a Resource
The Resource represents an energy resource unit that your user owns, e.g. a hot water tank or charger.
Besides vehicles, most resources will always be connected to a specific location.
Use POST /users/:userId/locations/:locationId/resources to register such resources. The payload should identify a unique resource:
To register vehicles, use POST /users/:userId/vehicles:
5. Utilize batching
If you need to register many users and/or locations at once, please use our batch endpoints: